AcePaste Help

How to use

Using the extension typically involves the following steps:

  1. Run the extension by clicking the AcePaste icon from the top right corner of your Chrome browser. If you can't see the icon, look for the jigsaw puzzle piece and click that; you should then see a list of your extensions (from there, you can also pin AcePaste to the browser if you'd like).
  2. Paste your text into the big textbox (you can paste as much or as little as you like). Each line in the textbox will become a new item. Blank lines are fine; they will show up as dividers (instead of items).
  3. Hit the Submit button.
  4. You should see your pasted items appear within a list at the bottom left corner of the screen. Click a text field on the page and paste; the field will get the content highlighted in turquoise.
  5. Each time you paste, the next item in the list becomes the active item. You can click a different item in the list to set that as the active item.
  6. When the last item has been pasted, the extension will close. Alternatively, you can close the extension manually by clicking the X button, or the AcePaste icon in your browser.

Activation help

If you have any issues regarding activating the extension, please get in touch.